Ecosystem Participants

Device Makers

Athinia® is the only industry-wide many-to-many ecosystem in which Device Makers, Material Suppliers and Equipment Suppliers can share and exchange any data.

Imagine what you could do with real-time insights into your suppliers data?

With Athinia's ability to safeguard data, Device Makers are willing to share an unprecedented amount of information with suppliers, unlocking opportunities to improve performance, time to market, and customer satisfaction.
  • In-fab
    Yield improvement
    opportunities, Identification of quality deviation root causes
    Device MakersDevice
  • Material
    Process optimization,
    material performance
    Material SuppliersMaterial
  • Equipment
    increased uptime
    Equipment SuppliersEquipment

With the Athinia® platform, Device Makers create the next generation semiconductor data ecosystem enlisting the entire value chain.

Understand material impact on device performance and make improvements where they matter

Our secure data-sharing platform enables suppliers to bring specific materials to the ecosystem and have access to key semiconductor manufacturing data they never had before. This level of transparency provides insight into which parameters matter most in & beyond the norm (i.e., Certificate of Analysis).

Streamline and optimize change notification and other quality processes by predicting materials performance based on historical data

Using Athinia multivariate analysis, otherwise hidden correlations that impact in-fab performance may be discovered. Going forward, once all the necessary variables are captured, material suppliers and device makers may proactively qualify new materials with the parameters and data available for analysis in Athinia even before the materials come into the fab.

Remain competitive by qualifying new materials sooner, with the possibility of achieving higher margins, and improving customer satisfaction

With access to limitless analytics capabilities, including the most sophisticated AI and machine learning frameworks, suppliers can differentiate based on quality, performance and time to market.

White Paper

Scaling Advanced Predictive Manufacturing at Micron

Micron and EMD Electronics identified the need for smart data collaboration to address the exponentially growing number of parameters in semiconductor chip and device manufacturing. Learn more about how Micron and EMD Electronics enabled a scalable platform for end-to-end integration and analysis from raw materials to device making.
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The highest standards in data security

Athinia is based on the Palantir Foundry platform trusted by some of the largest, most security-sensitive organizations in the world.
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Come be a pioneer.

Collaborate on data and uncover new insights that improve semiconductor manufacturing.